How to Maintain Your Home

Many people who own a home feel that it is their pride and joy. Their property should be cared for properly to keep it looking beautiful. Here are some of the ways to properly care for your home.

Clean your home. If you have pets, remove them from the home at least once a week. Laundry should be regularly done. Vacuum all surfaces in the home. A vacuum will help remove loose dust from the carpets.

Clean your walls and furniture thoroughly. If the wood in your home is very porous, it may need to be sealed. When washing the walls, use a home cleaning product or water-based cleaners and follow the manufacturer's directions.

Check and change your rugs. You may find rugs in bad condition and do not have enough money to replace them. You can replace them yourself or if you can afford a professional to do it, that would be the best way to go.

Use screen doors in your home. If you want privacy, use sliding or screen doors. You will save on light and heat loss.

Look at the shades in your home. Often times, the blinds are clogged with dust. You can add some cleaner to them. Once the windows are clean, use a window covering, or use the screen doors.

Clean your windows. Do this before it gets too hot outside and it could cause condensation to form on the windows. You will notice that when it is too hot outside, the inside of your home is cool and comfortable. Clean the windows when it is cool outside so that the heat stays in the home and it does not cause the home to get toasty. Clean the windows in your home. You do not have to be a licensed carpenter to use window cleaner. All you need is a shop vac to reach down low to the bottom of the windows to do the job. It is usually on the top shelf near the tub.

Use a clothes dryer. If you have a dryer, fill it up with water and then place your clothes on the rack to dry. If you do not have a dryer, you can run warm water through a paper towel to keep it moist.

The food in your refrigerator does not need to be frozen. Turn it off and put it in a cool, dry place. Food should always be covered with a cloth or paper towel. Never leave food sitting out in the open on the counter.

The garbage cans in your home need to be emptied at least once a week. Don't forget to empty the garbage cans outside. There is no reason for that food to be left out in the sun, especially if it is not for eating.

Your home is a reflection of you and who you are. Take care of it and keep it nice. It is a part of you and part of your family.
